When it comes to your voice, no one ever taught us how to do it. We just did it.
Yet we’re judged on it every day whether we know it or not (or like it or not).
Think of it this way: You eat the right foods, you exercise, you get your hair done so you look attractive and stylish, you wear nice clothes, you wear nice accessories, you look AMAZING… yet when you open your mouth, people ignore you or run away.
You’ve heard the cliché, “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.”
So let’s fix “how you say it.”
Today, I want to introduce Lisa Popeil, MFA, a celebrity voice coach in Los Angeles and the owner of Voiceworks.
She’s been helping people unlock their speaking and singing voices for over 40 years and, in our interview, she shares MANY fantastic tips, tricks, and exercises to transform your voice.
(She even has me do a few exercises and you can hear an instant difference.)
Trust me, if you want to make sure your words NEVER fall flat again, you’ll want to listen to this interview.
In the next 50 minutes, you’ll learn…
- Some of the most common and worst speaking mistakes people make (especially men) and exactly how to fix them
- The RIGHT way to add depth, power, maturity, and confidence to your voice without being overly loud and aggressive
- How to find the right pitch for your speaking voice so you’re not forcing yourself to speak too low or too high
- How ladies can quickly fix the #1 voice issue plaguing young American women
- Fast, powerful tips to make the content of your speech gain more importance and conviction
- The one trick that instantly revolutionized Lisa’s speaking and singing voice and allowed her to do things that she couldn’t do before (I tried it… it works)
- The step-by-step way to gain the perfect posture to unlock your voice
- And the thing you can do with your hands and arms to actually hear what you REALLY sound like — not what you THINK you sound like — so you can make real-time changes
Here’s the interview:
For more singing and speaking tips and many more incredible lessons (and videos on the “Upper Belly Magic Spot”), visit Lisa Popeil at her website here.
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Beautiful, Lisa! Thanks for mentioning how hearing yourself can really help! Hard to believe it’s been almost 15 years since we first met in Stockholm and talked about this the first time.